Dispensary Training – 5 Course Bundle (Self-Paced) – $675

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Cannabis Dispensary – Bundled Course

Course 1: Cannabis Basics & The Dispensary Experience w/ Dr. Rony Sinharoy

Industry-experienced pharmacists will cover Defining Cannabis, Components of Cannabis, Cannabis and the Human Body, Effects of Marijuana, Warnings and Precautions, Forms and Administration, Dispensary Operations, Inside A Dispensary; and summarize each lecture with assessment questions.

Course 2: Terpenes and Cultivars w/ Dr. Bridget Williams

The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding behind the lineage of cannabis varieties that make up the modern-day cultivars (strains) that are on the market today. A large focus on terpene definition and modulation effects with specific cannabis varieties.

· Define Terpenes and Identify the most common terpenes within the cannabis plant

· Landrace Cultivars

· The entourage effect, identifying cannabinoid modulation with terpenes and the healing properties that can work synergistically to treat specific ailments


Course 3: Cannabis History w/ Jeremy Baker

The purpose of this course is to develop a basic understanding of the history of the cannabis plant from 2900 BC to modern day

· Take a journey decade by decade of the North American history of Cannabis use

Course 4: Know your CBD w/ Dr. Bridget Williams

This course will illustrate the basic concept behind the medicinal aspects of CBD. Concepts explored include the history and science of cannabidiol, CBD compared to THC, the medicinal potential and how best to use cannabidiol. Students will learn how to dose CBD, side effects to look out for and how to purchase CBD to obtain a quality product.

Course 5: Cannabis Advocacy w/ Brian Adams

Defining the cannabis advocate, discuss issues related to cannabis law changes, updates, ballot initiatives and guidelines.

· Define activism and what they are advocating for

· Advocacy methods

· Initiatives and Referendum


  • Be the first student
  • Language: English
  • Skill level: Any level
  • Lectures: 19
  • Videos, Podcasts, Closed Captioning, Lecture Transcriptions, Interactive Activities, Assessments Course Requisites: Pay for the course, take the course, and pass the assessments with a 70% or higher grade requirement